Sources of Food Ingredients: Guar Gum
Guar Gum
- What is guar gum?
Guar gum is a fine powdered fiber created from the ground seeds of the guar plant. It is used in food products as a thickener and a binder. Guar gum is often considered to resemble Locust Bean and Carob Bean Gum.
- How is guar gum made?
Guar gum is created by de-husking, then milling, and finally sorting the pea-related plant called the guar bean. It is then ground into a powder form.
- Why is guar gum in my food?
Guar gum acts as a thickening, stabilizing, suspending, and binding agent for food products. It keeps ingredients like fat and oils from separating.
- What foods and beverages contain guar gum?
Guar gum can be found in soups, stews, ice cream, yogurt, and marinades. Guar gum is also used in plant-based milks such as flax, almond, coconut, soy, and hemp.
- Is guar gum permitted for use in the U.S. and in other countries?
Guar gum is recognized as a Generally Recognized As Safe or GRAS substance. Guar gum is permitted as a food additive in the European Union in accordance with Annex II and Annex III to Regulation (EC) 1333/2008 on food additives. Other countries that import guar gum include Canada, China, Chile, Australia, Austria, Brazil, Portugal, and Mexico.
- Can guar gum be used in foods marketed as organic, vegetarian, halal or kosher?
Yes, in certain forms, guar gum is permitted in foods marketed as organic.
Guar gum may also be used in foods certified as halal or kosher. Guar gum may be used in foods marketed as vegetarian or vegan.
- How does guar gum benefit my health?
Guar gum aids in creating gluten-free baked goods for those who cannot or choose not to consume gluten. Guar gum can also help you feel full faster, which may aid in weight loss.
- Why is guar gum necessary in foods and beverages?
Guar gum adds texture, thickness, and creaminess to foods like soups or stews. It also binds together ingredients like fats and oils to keep them from separating.
- How does the production and use of guar gum impact the environment?
The guar plant is a low emission crop. It is drought tolerant, which means it can be grown in dry/semi-dry environments that might not otherwise be as environmentally useful. The guar plant also has a longer growing cycle which extends the length of time it contributes to air purification.
- How does guar gum make food more affordable?
Guar gum thickens foods, which allows the producer to make more of a certain product at a lower cost. When it acts as a binder, it keeps key ingredients together in one solid product. This allows the product to stay fresh longer, furthering its shelf life and cutting down on food waste.
- Does guar gum contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs)?
No, guar gum does not contain genetically modified organisms.
- Is guar gum safe for children?
Foods containing guar gum are safe when consumed in moderation.
- how long has guar gum been used in foods?
Guar gum has been used more commonly in foods since the 1940s, right after World War II.